it's that time of year

it's that time of year

a middle tennessee garden blog

finding beauty in the natural things around us makes for one happy self and a lovely life. ~marmee

dash home farm, leiper's fork, tennessee

Saturday, July 19, 2008

in and around wildflowers

i am very glad to be home to my blooming wildflowers and beautifully giant sunflowers!


Nancy said...

You do have beautiful flowers!
Do you mind if I use any of your pictures for background graphics?

Meems said...

Marmee: your wildflowers are making a very colorful statement... they are so much fun to see here and they are beautiful.

marmee said...

nancy, thanks for coming by and seeing my flowers. i think as long as these are used for your personal use it would be fine.

meems, i am enjoying them enormously.i was just reading on about being a little more relaxed about the weeds.that's all i needed to hear to blog instead of pull.