it's that time of year

it's that time of year

a middle tennessee garden blog

finding beauty in the natural things around us makes for one happy self and a lovely life. ~marmee

dash home farm, leiper's fork, tennessee

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

eeking out the last bits of summer

today was hazy!

but in spite of this my flowers were smiling and happy.
yesterday we celebrated the labour day holiday with a turkey dinner.
this sweet bouquet acompanied us.
wildflowers from the garden!

happy cosmos faces!

still unfurling orange beauty.

is this goldenrod?
have it blooming just outside my bedroom window.

i found this in front yard near morning glories, anybody know what this will become?

happy sunshine white blossom.

i love the ity bity white center of this deep purple.

now if this isn't the most cheery little petunia and lavender to boot~!

white , purple , and green, the perfect garden combination!

this is a tiny little white blossom in a container i brought home from the farmer's market.

this is blooming on my pergola
i don't know what it is, but it is white, yipee!

pretty burst of sunshine!

harvested these today, i hope the melons taste good.

it's the first ones we have grown>.

found these precious inpatients between the rocks on the side of driveway.

does this look like the best fall colour or what?

i hung this today thinking cool, fallish thoughts
as sweat rolled down my back.
i know it's early but a girls gotta dream!


Anonymous said...

Hi, fifth pic down looks like poke berries. If so they should turn a deep maroon almost black. Also if it's poke it is poisonous. Please don't eat. Beautiful plant.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Loved all your flowers! They are beautiful. I also love your fall sign--I have put summer away and starting to bring fall out (even though it's still 95 degrees!) :)

Anonymous said...

Great blooms today! I have to agree with Lola, that would be Pokeweed in the fifth pic. And the other questionable one looks like Goldenrod.

Susie said...

Obviously, everyone is anxious for fall. Yours is the 3rd blog I have looked at today who is changing out summer to fall. Can't blame you, fall is my favorite time of the year.

Your blooms are looking great. I agree with everyone, those are poke berries and that is goldenrod as well.

Meems said...

I bet that turkey dinner was yummy. Love the nosegay in the pretty vase.

I'm partial to white blooms too ANd pergolas so the combination is working!

Is the itty-bitty purple flower with white center verbena? all the flowers are so colorful and cheery... the flag will at least get you in the mood and maybe the weather will catch up with it.

Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

I'm SOOOOO jealous of your farm! I love all the things you grow. I'm also a gardener and your flowers are gorgeous!

Thanks for vising my blog and leaving a comment on my post about purple. It is such a great color!

I hope you do try mosaic. Email me if you have any questions!

tina said...

Definitely goldenrod and pokeberries like Lola said. Also silver lace vine on your pergola. You sound like you truly have fun with the garden.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

marmee, a lovely bouquet from the garden; it is so nice to go out into the garden and gather the flowers for inside and the table. I don't grow any pot plants inside; therefore I love to have lots of vases somtimes just with one bloom!
You have a great variety of flowers. Really love Cosmos and Zinnias and.. and more.
Goldenrod looks great in a copper vase and it is also a very important plant in natural medicine. take care and thanks for stopping by.

marmee said...

thx for the id. i read a blog on poke salad recently. people eat this stuff but boil it twice. i will not be trying it.

m thymes,
i know it is sooo hot here too but i know it won't be long and the first day of fall is this month.

thx pgl

can't help but dream of a little coolness.

i do believe meems, that little purple bloom is verbena but i haven't seen it bloom that way, spread apart. it is in the same container as the ity bity white bloom. i got it from farmer's market.
i do like the white on the pergola but don't know what it is. i didn't plant it.
our turkey dinner was so good! we put several summer dishes with it and it made it nice.

i glad you came by. i can't stop eyeing all your goodies. i want to know when you post that table.
what did you think of the names of purple?

great thx for the id on the white, i thought it might be that i had it at my other house and it never bloomed. my garden is certainly one of my joys!

Anonymous said...

Pretty blossoms, so nice to bring them indoors to enjoy for festive times. didn't God create wonders for our eyes to feast on? so many shapes, colors, and varieties of flowers to behold! all of them different, but blended they make a bouquet of beauty we marvel over! kind of like a family ~ every individual special, but unique!

as for fall ~ naw! i like to relish the wind down of summer. we spent yesterday at the beach (still very hot, muggy)and caught some pics of a beautiful sunset. i hope to have them on my blog in the next day or so, so stay tuned. when the first cool breezes blow over my face at night, i will bring out some fall decor ;-)

Anonymous said...

sorry ~ that last comment was from me, gigi! don't know what happened, but i am not anonymous - you know that!

marmee said...

yes i marvel at the wonders of God, that's why i love to garden so. it is a constant reminder of Him and how He is watching over me.
i really haven't cut many of my own flowers because i love them outdoors but since it was a holiday...
i think if i had the beach or a pool i might want to relish the end of summer. but it is so hot the kids won't hardly play outside. i love those days when you can drift between the inside and outside and it all seems the same. i guess my early pumpkins are getting me inspired for the fall.

Anonymous said...

2nd p.s. - did you want me to put the 'pumpkin soup' recipe on your blog or just send it to you personally? let me know.

marmee said...

hey gigi yes i knew it was you. noone else writes like you!!
it doesn't matter either way is good.

flydragon said...

That last flower picture is a great color. What kind of flower is it?

Cheryl said...

Hi Marmee....what a lovely bright and colourful, happy post.....
I am pretty certain that is Golden Rod........the lovely white flower growing over the pergola looks like Russian Vine........mine is very similar to that.......I to love white plants and lilac is another favourite......
Melons look good.........

DP Nguyen said...

Great blooms, and that watermelon looks wonderful!

marmee said...

i'm not sure flydragon, it is in my wildflowers that i planted from seed. i do love the colour, though.
someone else thought the white on the pergola might be silver lace vine. so it's definately a vine, lol. i think i could have an all white garden and love it.
here's hoping melons are good
dp, i'll let you all know if the variety of melons is tasty or not.

Anonymous said...

Marmee, Mother use to send us kids out to pick poke in the Spring. Only small young leaves. It was a tonic of sorts. I myself have picked it & cooked. I like it. Some people don't. But you do have to be careful as the plant is poisonous. Certain parts. DO NOT EAT BERRIES. Even though some people have fried the stalk like okra. I've tried that & it reminds you of okra. Maybe it's like ramps--you have to acquire a taste for it.

marmee said...

i read the most interestin post but i can't remember who's all about it. i had never been exposed to it except thru the song "poke salad annie". do you have a blog?

Gail said...

Late to the party again! Looks like there is a lot going on in your late summer garden! It's all lovely.

I wouldn't mind a longer summer, if we had more rain.
It is a bit cloudy looking out there now! Maybe we'll see rain about your way?


Q said...

Dear Marmee,
The rains have cooled down my gardens, 54 degrees this morning. I love the chilly feeling. I decorate by month and am enjoying the beginings of September. The circus comes to town every September, I celebrate clowns and the circus. I also decorate with apples!! It is fun. Autumn will come your way soon.
Your melons look yummy. All your flowers look lovely. I also grow Poke Weed for the birds and Goldenrod for the bugs!
Thank you for a fun walk about.

Anonymous said...

Loved your flower post Marmee. I believe they are called poke berries. They turn a deep purple and the birds eat them. They make a mess and stain so be careful. Remember the song Polk Salad Annie? The days are still hot but the evenings are cooling down and signs of Fall are everywhere but I am being stubborn and holding on to the summer until the calendar tells me it's Fall. :) Lynn

marmee said...

there is no late to come by, don't give it another thought.
i don't mind the winding down of one season either. i would love to see more rain i feel we bearly got any. it did perk up everything but we need more.

thanks for comfirming the id's.
gardening is such a release for me and don't flowers make everyone happy1
i read your blog about meta(i think it was) very interesting but thinking about thinking is way to much thinking for me. i do visual doing certain things if i find them challenging.
q, thx for walking around my garden with me. i enjoy sharing it. we live out in country so not so many visiters.
i wish it would cool down a bit here. today is windy so i am sitting outside with my laptop answering my blog, it is nice but the wind is balmy.
thx for enjoying my flowers, i am glad that you came by.
i love when something is coming to an end. i did a post about it on myspace. seems to be a completion of one thing and the start of something new!i do remember poke salad annie(i mentioned it earlier) but really the only thing i knew until seeing it here.

Leedra said...

Yes, goldenrod, then poke, but I think you named the poke in a later post. You appear to really be enjoying life.