it's that time of year

it's that time of year

a middle tennessee garden blog

finding beauty in the natural things around us makes for one happy self and a lovely life. ~marmee

dash home farm, leiper's fork, tennessee

Monday, April 27, 2009

lovely morn

what a beautiful morning for new plantings...
just a peak of the wildflower garden with a few seedlings/new butterfly bush.

one of my most exciting new acquisitions is the hellebore...i
got honeyhill joy...i have been wanting them since seeing them
on some of my favourite blogs.
i was thinking of putting them in a large container until the fall.
does anybody that has them have a suggestion/tip as what is best to do with them?

lots of new buds.

i also am very happy about this new bleeding heart...i have potted it in a
chocolate terra cotta pot made in italy. i want to be able to move it around
where it will do best. i first saw these on a trip to the lake cottage
on lake rosseau, port carling, cananda...i was in love.

so many of these are totally new to i would take any
advice on what to do for them to make them successful.
another brand new to me....cyclamen...i love red.

jesse and i really found these most interesting...the bud hangs down
and the bloom comes upward over it.

some more coleus...i bought at the franklin farmer's market.
the vendor selling didn't know the variety...i was thinking rainbow?

this is another plant i couldn't wait to get home and get into
the ground...i am looking forward to it's blooms...akebia, chocolate vine.

i need a fair amount of ground cover so i am
trying...platt's black brass buttons...

and camilla de la estrella azul, blue star creeper.

these pretty little white wildflowers are popping up all
over...i have no idea what they are but i like them...anybody from
tennessee know these?

just in the ground today via jesse is aquilegia vulgaris, winky
purple & white the wildflower garden...i decided to
add some perennials in there to have something more established
for the bugs and butterflies.

this is a deer resistant flowering bush...floreciendo
pieris montana de fuego, mountain fire pieris

the angelonia first blooms...near the fenced veggie garden.

gazanias just went in the ground two days ago and have
their first wonderful...they are planted just outside
veggie garden on the edge of the berry help

bring pollinators...protect against pests...for our
vegetables and the berries.

brand new blueberry bush from franklin farmer's market.
chive blooms in the herb garden.
abbey planted all these marigolds on the outside
fence of the veggie garden...she did a good job.
we have been blessed with a new visitor to dash home
farm...rose breasted grosbeak...jesse spotted him and took
this photo...we will keep our eyes out to see if he stays or is
just passing through...this is a little south of where they normally are.
~click to enlarge~

we will try to get a closer shot of this beauty next time.
hope you all are having as much adventure and wonderful
discovery in the garden are we are having...


Q said...

Your gardens are very, very beautiful!
The children are doing a fantastic job planting and planning. Your wildflower garden will be full of bees and butterflies. Already you have chives in bloom! The herbs are my favorite. What will you be growing in the vegetable garden?
The Rose Breasted Grosbeaks are tropical looking. I am waiting for them to come to my feeders on their way North. Perhaps Jessie will be designing and taking a photography class at your home school? Would be fun!
Happy Monday!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marmee, You have some great flowers/plants in your yard. The person who knows Tennessee wildflowers is LEEDRA. She has a neat blog. So just click on her name and ask her...

Glad you have the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. We have them too right now. Have you seen the female??? She looks like a HUGE sparrow (brown with a LARGE white eyebrow and that big beak).... Gorgeous birds!!! They are supposed to migrate north --in a week or two.


tina said...

Hi Marmee, LOVE that red cyclamen! So pretty! All the plants are looking so good at your place! As for the hellebore, I'd go ahead and plant it in the ground now but it really is up to you of course. Mine are in part sun and even the seedlings thrive with no care. The white flower is Star of Bethleham or Ornithogalum umbellatum. It grows quite easily (maybe a bit too easily) and has those flowers you see. It self seeds around. It is actually a little bulb. Quite sweet.

Cheryl said...

Dear Marmee....this is all so enchanting....I am loving the beautiful flowers that are appearing in your grounds.....bleeding hearts and chives blooms are delightful.....

Hellebores do not like to be moved once settled. They like rich soil in shade......
I personally, would plant now......when the flowers are spent remove should get a lovely new flush of leaves.....leave them on......

Don't worry if everything disappears, sometimes it does, but they should appear again in the winter.........I would put a marker by them just in case you dig them up by mistake.

Once they are happy they will reseed all around.....beautiful......

A lovely post that was a delight to read......

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Marmee, I really like your stone walkway. The Grosbeaks will be here in May. I wonder if any will be the same ones who visited you;)

Your yard is looking so nice, you have a wonderful selection.

marmee said...

dear sherry,

already so many new little bugs and creatures are stirring. i love it. thank you for your very kind words about the is coming along. our children seem to be getting a bit of pleasure out of helping and then watching the new growth...what's not to love. i think the grosbeak is just coming thru on it's way north of here...but what a delight to get them if only for a few days. jesse should be graduated in a couple of weeks and then maybe some photography classes after.
what great days we are having...happy spring.

MNGarden said...

I love the fenced in area with stone walk.

Jayne said...

Isn't this just the BEST time of the year? Your garden is beautiful. Send the Grosbeak back this way for a bit if you would? :c)

marmee said...


thanks for telling me about leedra. tina knew what it was, the star of bethletham.
it is fun getting the grosbeak if only for a bit of time. we have not seen the females yet, but would love too.

marmee said...

tina, do you have the cyclamen. where you do normally plant them>?
i will put two of my hellebores in the ground...i did pot one. thanks for sharing about yours. i really appreciate it.
thanks for identifing the star of bethleham. i think it is quite sweet too...we did not have it last year and this year it is everywhere. curious.

marmee said...


thank you for your kind words...i love when you visit. it is fun trying new things but i am concerned about the plants actually making it. i want them too of course. i did pot one hellebore but will put the other two in the ground to see if i can make them happy. thanks for sharing your insight.
i am having a great time in the garden...hope you are too.

marmee said...


would that be neat to know we are seeing the same you have them year round? we are enjoying them while they are here.
things are shaping up around here, thank you. i don't feel like it is so out of control... of course there is always my front yard( work , work, work.) one or two people can only do so much.
we just keep plowing away at it all.

marmee said...


thank you! and i am glad you came to visit "things i love."
happy springtime to you.

marmee said...

do you normally get grosbeaks...we don't remember seeing them before...and know they aren't going to last long.
this is the best time of year. i love being outside when it's like this. today we cut 3 takes hours. it has been fun planting so much.

marmee said...

we have been mowing for weeks...around 3 acres is what we cut. it takes hours but i love driving the tractor. we have been planting lots of veggies too. just not ready to share on here yet.
happy spring to you.

joey said...

I see Spring bursting out all over in your lovely garden, Marmee. Isn't life grand!

marmee said...


hey there, i am loving spring and you? i am sure you are...what's not to love. we are having a lovely gentle rain today so lots of things going on indoors.