the lands surrounding us are just like living inside a painting....exquisite.
i also entered the ggw (gardening gone wild) photo contest for september . since doing this, i have gone and looked at all the entries....glad i didn't before i posted. otherwise i probably wouldn't have entered. but having said this i am now thinking of all the beautiful grass photos shot over the summer....i can't really take the credit...after all God did the creating i just happened by and photographed them.

sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.
sunshine almost always gets me high.

grasses in the distant.
happiness is: all in the grasses.
hidden grass..... crouching dog.
three grasses and a weed...
instead of three men and a baby. way better stuff.
instead of three men and a baby. way better stuff.
this last photo is my entry into the ggw photo contest.
i wish everyone who entered the best.
happy september days.
dear Marmee,
No one is going to believe we didn't "talk" about this...
1)we each (separately) went back through our photos (after our GGW entry)and made two posts of all the grasses we've been drawn to photograph over time
2)we each named the post with "inspiration" included in the title AND 3) we must have been working on it at the exact same time... HUNDREDS OF MILES APART. Arent' these the things TWINS do?
I LOVE this post and these photos re-visited ARE inspirational! It must 'feel like' being in a painting this time of year in your beautiful Tennessee.
I love you, dear sis... have a beautiful day today! Happy birthday to special you.
Good luck to you and all entrants Marmee. Great photos. I really do like that Cheekwood. It looks like artemesia in the foreground-I think artemesias and grasses go so well together.
Hi Meems!
Beautiful photos Marmee. Lovely post too!
Marmee, I didn't realize your post was going to end with an entry, but as I was reading, I kept thinking, "Marmee, you must enter one of these delightful photos!" I love the pne you chose! Good luck! gail
Your photos are amazing. I think any one of those could win. I especially like the one of the dog and the girl in the grass. Now that's a bit different. Is that a bully? It is wonderful that you feel that way about where you live. We should all count our blessing like that.
Your posts are always uplifting Marmee. I do wish you the best in the contest!!
I didn't have much appreciation for grasses (other than horse food) until recent years. Grasses are so airy and graceful. Definitely deserve a second look.
Oh it's fabulous, Marmee! Good luck with the contest. I never look at the other entries before entering either, way too intimidating. I agree, we do live in the beautiful place, nature is alive and well here. :-)
okay of course you laid this out in detail...that's what i love about you.
if we are twins let's be my
i think God is letting us get closer as we age cause He knew we needed it now more than ever...He's like that, ya know.
i have found my grasses very inspirational this year. leaving so many to grow in their own natural state brings me so much joy. i love the way they sway in the wind and catch the sunlight on their tips.
it was actually fun going and trying to find all this last years photos my are not really labeled properly so i got to look at a lot of older always reminds me of just how good i have it.
i loved seeing all your native grasses too. it makes me long for a visit which would include beach time for sure.
i love you too sis....i will enjoy my day to the fullest surrounded by beauty and my family.
love, marmee
Beautiful entry, my favorite so far.....very dreamy. Good luck
as i was looking back thru the photos of grasses and came across the cheekwood reminds me to go and visit again....soon. i love to see the way they group things together.
i love that statuette head and the grasses.
happy september.
susie, thanks glad you came along and enjoyed.
happy september.
Good luck Marmee. I love the grasses, so peaceful & gently swaying in a soft breeze. No place like Tn.
gail...entering made me go back and take a look at all the other grass photos.
i don't know if you visited meems but she and i did similar posts at the same time without knowing it. her grasses are so beautiful.
i am surrounded by natural growing fields which makes me see beauty all the time...i like living inside of beauty.
happy september.
thanks...i love taking is a passion for me. one day i want to take some classes.
that photo of the dog and from our first day of school here at home...great day...great weather.
that dog is an australian shepherd pup...she is quite the character and fun. we also have chesapeake bay retrievers and a great mt pyrenees and a mutt.
thanks for visiting. good luck in the photo contest.
happy september.
thanks we will see about the contest...some really good my sister's, meems,
sea oats.
happy september.
marnie....i think i ignored them for years too. but since living in tn...i have taken notice.
we planted a lot at my other house and now i am surrounded by them in the natural. you really should plant some.
happy september.
this is my first here goes. i wish you the best too. i love your very ethereal grass...they are soft and flowy...very nice.
aren't we the blessed ones for living in this beautiful place.
happy september.
susie from cal.
you are my second susie....this might get confusing.
thanks coming by "things i love." i am grateful for your comments. i really loved the way that photo felt more like a painting. i am a huge fan of impressionistic painters so it seemed the natural choice for my entry.
did you enter? i wasn't sure by your post.
happy september.
thanks as always encourage me. i look forward to your visits. we shall see bout the many wonderful my sister's at hoe and shovel. lovely.
Great photos! I love living in the south; what a blessing.
Lisa Q
Ha Marmee---You and Meems have a sisterly bond for sure... How many times will two sisters post such a similar blog at almost the same time?????? Hmmmmmm.... Do you read each other's minds too?
Great pictures of the 'grasses'.... Beautiful collection.
i too love the south. we live in a great country.
september blessings.
isn't it funny that meems and i were doing this at the same time.
"sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters."
remember that from white christimas. haha!
glad you enjoyed the grasses.
happy september.
Marmee, I don't know how the judges at GGW are going to choose--every photo I've seen on posts has been stunning, and yours are no exception. I don't even know how you chose one from all of these to enter! The last picture is lovely, and I love all the ones with the sun shining on the grass, but my favorite of all?--It has to be Abbey running in the grass to meet her dog. Life doesn't get much better than that:)
i am always partial to the photos that include my family but i was trying to be objective when entering. i only entered at the urging of my sister, meems. then i went back and found all these really beautiful grass photos.
life is good here at dash home farm.
happy september fall days.
Your entry is stunning, Marmee, as are all your lovely photos ... your beautiful life shines through your fine eye.
i am overjoyed to see you on here...i have missed you very much.
thank you for a your wonderful words.
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