it's that time of year

it's that time of year

a middle tennessee garden blog

finding beauty in the natural things around us makes for one happy self and a lovely life. ~marmee

dash home farm, leiper's fork, tennessee

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

happy un~b~day to you

after a gorgeous sunset last night on the 6th of july
we decided to celebrate america's unbirthday without the
rain to interfere with the fireworks.

with what we had leftover from the 4th it was just
enough to make something of it.

the children were delighted with two fun days in the same week.

they danced and swirled around...lined up to catch the
parachutes shot off by g-pa.

we had some giagantic sparklers left.

we had eaten another great meal outdoors of beef brisket, home
grown beets, greens beans w/pototoes & onions, stewed tomatoes
over rice...and a little bit of leftover lemon~coconut cake.

we had a lovely evening playing with the kittens outdoors
this little grey one is quite docile.
...if we keep one this one will be it...if...

everyone was quite relaxed and just enjoying being out of doors.

we didn't mind having to celebrate
again...somebody has to do it...right?


Dirt Princess said...

IS the cat asleep udside down???/Too cute!

Darla said...

What a great celebration. Everyone looks so happy...enven the kittens are content.

Q said...

Looks as if you and your family had a very fun un-birthday!

Cheryl said...

Hi Marmee....what fun....and the kitten is just so sweet, so relaxed. I think you may in your heart know this little one is going to stay....

I am so glad you had fun.....wish I lived next door......

Betsy Banks Adams said...

YES--YES--YES.... Keep on celebrating!!!! It doesn't matter what day it is ---but we can have fireworks and picnics as much as we want to... Right???????

Glad you had a 2nd great 4th of July celebration!!!!


Rose said...

It doesn't really matter exactly what day it is, does it? You and your family must have had a wonderful time celebrating together, and that is what is important. It rained here on the Fourth, postponing celebrations to the next day, but my garden was certainly happy:)

tina said...

Glad you had a good time finally. Lovely pics of the fireworks.

ShySongbird said...

What a wonderful Independence day celebration, I don't think it mattered at all that it was slightly late, I don't have a Birthday any more I have a Birthday weekend or even week, why not!! How atmospheric your photos are, you really portray the occasion beautifully Marmee. I love the 4th photo down (Abbey I think) it has such a joyful abandoned quality, just lovely. I am always struck by the wonderful sense of happy family life which you convey, it really is a pleasure and a privilege to visit you, thank you :)

Susie said...

I can't believe that kitty just laid there like that! That would definitely be the one to keep.

Looks like y'all had a wonderful family time.

Lola said...

Family life is what it's all about. That's what your family is conveying. Enjoying their life in a free country. Also enjoying the bounty of their labor.
I'm so glad you all have this time to add to your wonderful memories.

Renaissance said...

Looks like a wonderful time was had by all including the kittens - so adorable.
Thanks for following my new blog The Chicken Daily.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning Marmee, doubling up the holiday is a great idea. What fun to sit back and watch the kids having fun;)

marmee said...

dirt princess,

yes that kitten is is so funny to watch her go into a "cat-a-tonic" state. she is very tranquil.

marmee said...


we had a wonderful time the second time around...even the kittens.

marmee said...


it was great!

marmee said...


i would in a second keep her but dh really doesn't want me too. so we will just have to wait and see. one of the people who were taking two kittens went and got two from somewhere else so i am still trying to place them in forever homes.
i wish you lived next door too...wouldn't that be fun to share the love of outdoors with your neighbour.

marmee said...


i agree wholeheartedly.
i will get the recipe from daughter and email you as soon as i have it.

marmee said...


you are so enthusiastic! i can feel it jump right off the page at me. i will celebrate many times and not concern myself at all that it's not a holiday.

marmee said...


our gardens were and are so happy because of the rain...i was so happy to get some. it has been wonderful not having to water every day. the plants just do so much better with natural watering.
we did enjoy celebrating twice and the kids thought it was pretty cool too.

marmee said...


thank you, friend. we did have a great time.

marmee said...


thank you dear sweet songbird.
life is full of all kinds of why not capture the most treasured...happy ones. my family is by no means perfect but i hardly ever have the camera in hand when things aren't going
the whole birthday thing seems to go like that around here too...everyone's bday seems to go on for a good way.
i am so delighted that you get a sense of enjoyment when you glad to have you as a reader.
happy summer days to you.

marmee said...


that's what i say...i don't need animals with a lot of wow factor just laid back sweet ones.
we did have another great celebration.

marmee said...


you always know the right things to say. so true...we are celebrating our freedoms...while we still have so many. i love this country and what we are able to do here as free people. i also love eating our harvest and sharing it with the ones we love in celebration of life.
this is one fantastic memory!

marmee said...


i am really interested in what you are doing with the chickens. i will keep watching with anticipation.

we all enjoyed our second 4th including the

marmee said...


i think that is my greatest joy. just watching the kids just have plain old clean may become a lost art...but not around here.
country living is good for the heart, mind, spirit, and body.
happy july to you.

Meems said...

So happy you did end up getting to have your 4th of July celebration after all. Fun fireworks, good food, great company... and you were outside! sounds just perfect!
hugs to you and the fam,

P.S. I know those kitties are tempting.