we have actually planted pumpkins but these came from our compost pile.

we (abbey & i) are very happy with our premature pumpkins and therefore they are already on display. even in the midst of our summer drought.

this is our favourite one. but we will see once we have harvested the ones we planted in our wheel barrow.

we are in anticipation!
and will let you know when the new ones arrive.
She looks very happy with the new pumpkins!
yes! very happy indeed!
Your early harvest of pumpkins looks good. And your daughter looks quite pleased. :) Can't wait to see your next harvest.
I remember as a kid the pumpkins my dad grew. These weren't eating vegetables (ick), these were fun vegetables.
Aw, she does look so happy with the pumpkins. They look nice. What will you be doing them? Just for decoration?
Has the rain helped? I look at the map and it looks like a great deal is finally falling all around us!
I haven't found any surprises like this in my compost pile! What a treat for Abbey. She is absolutely adorable and exudes happiness!
I love pumpkins in decorations and yours are perfect... the colors, the size... it's making me think of
autumn already but ... there's no convincing me when I walk outside.
Hello, cute little Abbey girl! (I know one little 2 yr old who is going to be happy to see these pictures of his cousin Abbey.)
I love the fact these guys came from your compost pile. How neat is that? Your little Abbey is a cutie.
I'll have to show my little pumpkin your blog post! He LOVED them last season. Called them pumpins. I'm curious to see if he's as engrossed with them this year.
hey everybody,
thx for coming by and seeing our pumpkins. i will be excited once the ones i actually planted come up. we did get a nice drizzling rain that started somewhere in the middle of last night. it has been perfect not hard driving rain but the stuff that can soak in and give the plants all they have been lacking this august.
i use as many pumpkins as i can get my hands on all over my porches, inside and a display i make out by the road with hay bales.
we also have a pumpkin decorating contest with about 15 of us. where we glue, carve, wrap, put various things from the yard like leaves, vines. flowers, etc... on them to dress them up. i am quite sure you will see a post about it in october. just imagine hawaiian hula snowman girl?~!
Very cool Marmee, having pumpkins growing in the compost! Such a nice surprise.
What a beautiful little girl!
Lovely marmee.....I love pumpkins....I grew them last year....they were enormous........I have never had so much pumpkin soup in my life.....but it was great.......
The pumpkins are so festive even if they are early!! You'll just enjoy them longer. We have some volunteer pumpkins this year too. The ones we planted haven't done much..so it works out!
Have you gotten any rain yet? We just had three days of it which is not normal for the Northwest in August. It feels like Fall!
I use the bags for gifts...there have been so many occasions this year and it's just fun to make them. Often the theme matches the gift..if possible. I'm not a scrapbooker but sure appreciate all the work they are!! My goal is to get the photos in order, in a book and then I'll see about doing something creative! Do you have any tips on how to organize photos after years...of not doing it?
i love surpirses like that!
you will have to send me your recipe for the soup. i am not sure my family would eat it but it is worth a try.
thanks for coming by. i bet anyone who gets one of those bags holds onto it forever.
we finally got some rain but still in need of more. i don't like it when it is soooo dry.
if i waited to be organized with my photos i would never do anything,lol. i have tried everything. big rubbermade containers. small ones with dividers and just putting them in photo albums that i later pull out of to scrapbook. i definitely do not scrapbook all photos. i don't want it be be a pressure. just creative fun.
Hi Marmee!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Wow, what a haul! And Abbey's such a sweet looking girl. I loved the sunset photos that she took--particularly the one with the grass blooms! Also the first two shots of Summer Bounty made my mouth water...!! I'll be back!
Hello ~ I wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my blog...so of course I came running to check yours out and...just loved it. I love pumpkins and to be able to enjoy them a bit earlier is a treat. They always add a great homey feel to a porch.
Where did the summer go ... Pumpkins already! I see them swelling in fields on the way up north ~ makes me a bit sad watching summer evaporate. But yours are especially lovely and Abbey a dear!
glad you came by and thank you for the nice comments. we are very blessed here!
yes i love the fall and the feastive feel of decorating for all the holidays. thx for coming by.
i know summer was a flash. now we are gearing up for the holidays and being back doing school. abbey is our youngest and she is so much fun.
hi dear Abbey ... you're the real 'punkin' here in these pics! so adorable! i miss you!
Marmee - i actually have a pumpkin soup recipe given me by a co-worker years ago, which i have never made (you bake it in the pumpkin in your oven). if interested, i will gladly post it or send it to you. for me, i enjoy seeing them used as you have, in bright spots for decorating in the fall. i actually like the green pumpkin as a punctuation color.
abbey says "I miss you gigi. i hope i get to visit you soon. i know i visited you a few weeks ago but i still want to be here with my family and see qwyn.
mom says she would like you to send her the pumpkin recipe, please."
i love you.
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