all of these either came from our garden or the farmers market. i do love
summer bounty.

these cantalopes and berries are very delicious.

parmesan baked bread from farmer's market yummy baked by our local farmer.

pickled okra!

i am not sure what this bean was but it sure is different and pretty. yellow with purple striations.

now to my surprise, this beauty blooming on my fence out front.

mind you i have only done demolition there not planting yet. just getting it ready for next spring. maybe my sis, meems will have a chance to come up and help me with a gardening plan for the fenced in area.

but i love these. what are they? maybe morning glories?
The berries and cantaloupe look especially delicious.
I love summer bounty to...so colourful and appetizing.....
Looks like a morning glory to me, and absolutely stunning.....
Looks to me like you got yourself a morning glory vine. The color is outstanding. Your fruit and vegetable pictures look great. I bet everything tasted yummy.
We appear to have some things in common. I found your site through mother nature..I too blog in TN. We moved here in 06 after 9 years in Florida (sebastian, vero beach) and 18 years in AZ. We too spoke often of living on land in an old house and are firm believers that dreams come true. I love your blog and am always glad to find another TN gardener. I'm going to add your blog to my site..hope ya don't mind.
afternoon to all bloggers.
mother nature,
yes very good!
thanks i will be trying to get it identified to make sure.
i so love the colour! they look as if they are glowing. everything was yummy!
welcome. i am happy you found me. where is tn do you live? i am glad you like my blog come by any time.
I have a volunteer Morning Glory also this year! It just started blooming. I have a lot of that vine that LOOKS like a Morning Glory vine, but produces white flowers. I think they call it a Choke Vine because it twines over everything and blocks out the sun of the plants it covers. I just cut it back where I don't want it and let it twine up the things I want it to climb. It dies back in the winter, but comes back stronger than ever the next spring.
It all looks so good!
oooohhhh all that yummy frest food looks wonderful. The colors and textures are so delightful to the eyes... and I'm sure your tummies.
It looks like your viney flower is a morning glory. They are very hardy and quite diligent to come up even when abandoned. Right now it works since you haven't any other flowers there. At some point they could be overpowering. But for now ... not to worry... just enjoy!
All that bounty looks so good, love the tomatoes and berries and cantaloupe.
the flowers are so beautiful!
Those fresh cantalopes & berries look good enough to eat! Mmm, Mmmm, Good!!! Isn't it great to have a farmers market nearby.
Marmee, this blog is a feast for the eyes. The berries and melon look wonderful. I have the same morning glory, Grandpa Ott climbing my beside my back door.
Marmee, I was at the Franklin Farmer's Market this past Saturday? Where you there? I bought the Expedition loaf, had it for breakfast this morning, delicious! Your bounty is wonderful.
The Morning Glory Vine has photographed beautifully and looks perfect on the fence...I can see Clematis there someday!
Enjoy the rain, if you are getting any!
ca girl,
i am sure the white would be so beautiful! i love white. mine is in an area that needs a lot of work, my front yard. everything is so dead right now i love that speck of colour.
all the fresh stuff makes for a delightful meal. i had ellery that day.
i am going to enjoy it being it is the only bright spot in my front yard. i am glad it picked the fence.
i am sure you are enjoying some of the same bounty from your garden!
all were enjoyed. we (dh &i) really appreciate having such a treasure as our farmers market. it is a treat to go every saturday morning.
r & l,
everything tasted so great!
thx for letting me know the name of the vine. i love the intensity of the colour.
yes me and dh were there and stayed a bit longer hoping to see you. we had our buster brown dog
in tow. next time we'll have to make a plan. did you get some great stuff.
i was actually thinking about clematis there on the fence line. i need dh to rent a tiller and do the perimeters of the fence. we pulled many dead or unwelcomed bushes from there this spring.
i really want my big sis, meems @ hoe and shovel to come and design a garden plan for me! as you have seen she is a landscape artist. i do interiors and she does exteriors and much more.
Hi Marmee it is very nice to meet you. Your summer bounty looks great, all this luscious colours, yummy. The blue morning glory is really glorious. I should go now and pay Meems garden a visit too!
I am a bit jealous that morning glories just pop up out of the blue for you! I have to work hard to get them to look nice here!
It's 'Grandpa Ott' cultivar.
thx for coming by, i am enjoying my little popup morning glorious! haha!
i have been loving my bounty!
i know what you mean i feel really blessed it just showed up especially cause my front yard is so ugly right now.
Your morning glories are beautiful! What a pretty burst of sunshine in the middle of each one!
I *think* your beans might be shelley beans, sometimes called shuckey beans. We grew them a couple of times when I was a kid in Kentucky. I don't remember much about them except that it was really hot when I had to go out in the garden to help pick them. :)
All that fresh fruit & vegetables makes my mouth water. Yum! :) That morning glory is really doing well & looks gorgeous.
I love those purple flowers!!! And the name is delightful too! But omg, that BREAD was totally tempting me! Does it taste as good as it looks????
the glories are quite luminious!
thanks for the name on the beans. they are so pretty too!
pg lover,
if only we could eat that healthy all the time.
of course you know that little surprise was extra special because it was purple!
that bread is that yummy. they are made from all natural ingredients from the market.
Those look like "Grandpa Ott" morning glories to me. I have some just like yours. They are great re-seeders so you may get them next year too.
thanks for id-ing the grandpa ott several people have them. i will be happy to have them reseed themselves since i have no idea where they came from.
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